Those of you who have been following the activities of the Good Shepherds Movement (GSM) and the Try Peace Campaign will be fully aware that we have registered with Black Planet and over 18 months ago we made friends with President Barack Hussein Obama. We did not do this because he is a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, black, mixed race or white. We did this because we saw Obama as an articulated, disciplined and charismatic man with a drive to do what is just both within the United States of America (USA) and the world.
Fortunately, for African-Americans who have suffered slavery, political disenfranchisement and all forms of social humiliation as well as their distant relatives in Africa have suffered colonialism and all forms pf dictatorship and tyranny it was an honour to have a President of the USA to arise from their own stock. This has made it very clear that there is hope to stop man's inhumanity to man and that people cannot only be judged by the colour of their skin but they can be measure by their cognition and intellectual power, that can be used for the good of all mankind.
While we remain friends of Obama, as well as a strong pro-Israeli movement we need to bring a statement to the boardroom of discussion throughout the world, it is not our wish to link the Israeli-Palestine conflict or Arab-Israeli conflict to the Biafran-Nigerian conflict nor South Sudanese – Arab Sudanese conflict, nor the conflict within Democratic Republic of Congo but unfortunately we have to, because all these conflicts have a similarity n certain factors that have precipitated these conflicts.
Some of these factors are rooted in history, some of them arise from those powers who have changed the order and map of the world.
Some of them are resulting from tyranny of those governing these territories.
Some from deliberate misinformation and hiding of the truth by successive powers of the world.
But what all these conflicts have in common is that they keep the lives of millions of innocent people miserable and at all times in a state of enslaved war.
The worlds media appear to be a factor in orchestrating the deep rooted hatred among people. Hatred that results from the twisting of the truth. We are sure that it is written in the Bible as well as the Torah and in some other Holy Books that Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. We are also aware that the Jews have suffered for centuries among many nations. Therefore, the Jews do not need to be educated on what suffering means.
We as the GSM and Try Peace Campaign have called for a Palestinian state and will continue to call for it. Believing sincerely that if the Palestinian people can accept the legitimate right of Israel to exist we have no doubt that Israel will use its technological, economic and military parity to develop the Palestinian territory, like Israel has done itself, during the last 60 years, within its own territory.
We are sure that Israel will make Gaza and West Bank a viable democratic state within Israel which will be a self - governing autonomy and an envy of the world. Israel will surely protect this state from any military attack.
The idea that the state of Israel will establish a sovereign Palestinian state inside Israel or parallel to Israel will remain a bone of contention in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.Let us at this juncture evaluate what a sovereignty would lead to; Two separate military authorities and powers. Two separate states that have not agreed to live together opposing military blocks, one from the west and one from the east. We cannot see how a scenario like this can give peace to the Palestinians, Israelis or the world at large. This idea alone will make the United Nations, the Obama legacy, the Arab league, the USA, and the Western powers a laughing stock for generations to come.
For centuries an unjust political order has been imposed on the African continent which has resulted in continuous military turmoil and conflict, famine and wars, and under-development. Ethnic rivalries are endemic within the continent. Nations that have never shared a similar language, culture, history and ideas are forced into one country resulting in wars that have killed millions of innocent people.
Is this not the reason why the Biafran war was fought?
Is this not the reason why the Sudanese conflict remains ongoing?
Is this not the reason behind the Eritrean - Ethiopian conflict?
Is this not the reason for the Hutu and Tutsi genocide in Rwanda?
It is an unfair scenario that the West that advocates human rights denied 40 million Biafrans an independent state in their own homeland. The Arab's campaigning for a sovereign independent Palestine are seeing the slaughter of Black Africans in Sudan and they are denying them independence. Now we have Barack Obama appearing to be running an 'arm-twisting' Middle Eastern political agenda against Israel by calling for a sovereign Palestinian state within Israel. Making it difficult for the Palestinian and Israeli governments to consider the most viable option for peace.
We feel that the first thing that needs to be done is for the Americans to help the Palestinian people to develop an industrialised society with functional institutions of government and Rule of Law as a nation rather than focusing their mind on immediate sovereignty that could only exacerbate two sovereignties competing for the same land in a military conflict.
Those of us who believe that terrorism and war is not the answer, but a negotiated settlement on how two societies can share a very small portion of land ad successfully create a vibrant economy as Israel has already proved.
Obama should look into redressing a far more unjust situation in Africa which has seen the death of millions of people by wars and disease, terrible economic exploitation of the African continent than being driven by the fear of terrorism and the media (the views of which are not to the slightest degree a true representation of the views of millions of people throughout the world, as the media is run by but a few people) to a narrow view of the conflict in the Middle East.
Finally, we would like to ask who decides the criteria for establishing a sovereign independent state? And what is the criteria ? What reference or evidence in international law is there, that can prove that there was once an independent Palestinian state, which Israel has harnessed, that they have to re-establish within their territory.
Ref: Jerusalem Post Article
We will bring to your attention that the Biafran people after years of slavery, were forced into an amalgamation in 1914 without plebiscite, referendum nor treaty signed by any of their native people into a country called Nigeria and it still stands till today. A war was fought where Biafrans lost millions of people, only Israel and a few other countries stood for justice for the Biafran people. We have no doubt in our minds that the state of Israel will do justice to the Arab people in Israel today who are called Palestinians.
The next article will explain why we are a Pro-Israel organization
Article written by :
Enyinna C. Amadikwa.
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I understand what you are saying, whilst you still have hope in Obama, he is not everything he could be. I agree with your points, lets hope they are not ignored in this turbulent world. We wait in hope for the only Messiah.